Recycling at the Green Festival

Please use the collection points for Glass, Cans & Plastic at several locations across the site. In past years these have helped achieve an estimated 80% recycling rate. This year we are pleased to have a number of volunteers with enthusiasm for recycling, supported by Sara from Clean Stream, who runs a recycling zone at the Green Gathering. Read all about this and more at
You are encouraged to bring additional materials for recycling to the new Recycling Zone by the Bandstand.
You are also welcome to offer your help for a short while!

This more interactive Recycling Zone will collect:

    • Food waste for compost – we hope to provide collection caddies for caterers
    • Tetra packs – undone on all corners to lay flat
    • Paper & cardboard
    • Plastic bags & wrap
    • Other plastic containers
    • Crisp wrappers – flat, not scrunched up
    • Biscuit wrappers (Sweet & savory) – flat
    • Peanut / popcorn bags – flat