Nottingham Green Festival has, for 30 years and more, been supported by a wide and diverse range of stall holders, including Voluntary/campaign groups, Green Businesses & Crafts, Caterers & food producers and others.
For more details on their green credentials, check out their links in the final column, or browse through all the stalls on our Sustainability page.
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This directory of stalls will give you a flavour of what to expect, but first a taster of some of the activities, in addition to a full program on the Bandstand and at the Knowledge Gardens.
NOTE: We are only able to include those stalls that booked before the booking deadline. After that it has taken too much time chasing overdue applications and inviting new ones. Apologies to those that have not made it onto this directory.
Work is in progress in updating a live Site Map.
Green Businesses, Craft and Growers
Coming Soon!
Green Businesses, Crafts & Growers
Local traders, small businesses, craft workers and growers support the Green Festival to promote their work, meeting customers on the day & establishing futures sales opportunities.
Stall name | Website | Description | Sustainability | |||
Nottingham Growing Network | | nottinghamgrowingnetwork | Run by Nottingham Growing Network members. Growing activities and information about the 22 Nottingham Growing Network members | | ||
Green and Cosy Homes | | GreenandCosyHomes | We are a Home Insulation company, offering Loft and solid wall insulation, and will be answering people’s questions, offering best solutions to insulate their homes to reduce energy usage and potentially booking in quotes to do insulation in their homes. | | ||
Health from The Pleiades | | healthfromthepleiades | healthfromthepleiades | Liquid Vitamins and herbal supplement drops. All of my drops are vegan, cruelty free and organic; the bottles are recyclable. Living near the arboretum I won’t even need to use my car to get there! | | |
IT’s Cruelty Free | | itscrueltyfree | @itscrueltyfree2 | itscrueltyfree2018 | All the Skin, Body & Hair Care products sold by It’s Cruelty Free are fully natural, Vegan and work on very sensitive skin, with many of our products being unscented. All products are made in the UK plus none of the ingredients will damage the environment either. | |
Little Bean Homemade | | LittleBeanHomemade | LittleBeanHomemade | Reusable versions of items we usually throw away, eg sandwich bags and kitchen roll | | |
Love Celestene | lovecelestene1 | Wire wrap crystal jewellery, African inspired attire, handmade soap & bodywhips, organic cordial, aloe vera plants & conscious artwork | | |||
Nottingham Energy Partnership | | nottinghamenergypartnership | @nott_energy | Nottingham Energy Partnership (NEP) is a climate change charity which aims to deliver grant funded services (i.e. renewable energy and boiler replacements) and home improvements (i.e. home insulation) to energy inefficient homes. These installs reduce carbon emissions, save money and increase a household’s disposable income. | | |
Snail and Rabbit Teas | | Snail and Rabbit Loose Leaf Tea Shop | Snailandrabbit | Small local business selling Loose Leaf Tea and accessories infusers, teapots , handmade cards with tea inside & gifts | ||
Soap Dragons | TheSoapDragons | We are a family business. We produce vegan, natural body soaps locally.laden with essential oils – Soap With Attitude. All of our soaps are 100% vegan, 100% plastic free (including the packaging), 100% palm oil and SLS free, and with a musical twist – are you a Treesy Lover or a Soothe Operator? The stall will have some games on which participants can win some soaps, we will also have 10 varieties of soaps for sale as well as promotions and gift boxes. | | |||
Spritely Sustainable CIC | | spritely.cic | spritelysustainable.cic | Spritely Sustainable CIC are part of the Green Festival this year as an activity provider of free activities for families to engage in sustainable education and crafting. | | |
Co-operatives East Midlands | | We promote all co-operatives in the region, share information on what they do such as sustainability, climate change, plastic reduction etc. to support members to take action. | ||||
Diari-Furoshiki (share) | | Diari-Furoshiki | diarifuroshiki | Selling Furoshiki and accessories and showing how to wrap Furoshiki, a traditional Japanese wrapping. It is reusable and a sustainable way of gifting. | | |
Originally Nicci | | Hand crafted, perfectly imperfect household gifts, made from recycled fabric and other materials. | | |||
Pennys Upcycled Pretties | Products include mobiles, wind-chimes, bird feeders, wreaths, mirrors bags zbd shoes jewellery, all made from waste items; Teddy lucky dip | |||||
Purple Pumpkin Patch | | purplepumpkinpatch | @purplepumpkinLB | Locally handknitted and crocheted items from acrylic yarn, and fabric sewn cushions and gifts by a group of local crafters. Our best selling items at the Green Festival are reusuable fabric gift bags made from upcycled material, fabric kitchen aprons for adults and children, peg bags for hanging laundry to air dry, and also our vegan yarns and gifts made from them. From these items being our best sellers, we are helping with air drying laundry which reduces the use of electricity from tumble drying, waste going to landfill from using single use plastic coated gift bags, and home cooking which avoids single use plastics and food waste. Our vegan items gives options to those on a plant based lifestyle footpath. | | |
Silver Forager | thesilverforager | thesilverforager | I make jewellery and ornaments from seaglass collected around the coast of the UK; each piece of seaglass is unique and the designs are influenced by the seaglass pieces themselves. When visiting the beach to collect the seaglass I use in my products I ensure I collect and dispose of any more damaging rubbish, eg plastic, cans, etc, as well as seaglass and driftwood. In terms of communicating the climate change agenda I will discuss the importance of reusing and repurposing of what others may think of as rubbish, as well as metals such as silver, with visitors to my stall. I’ll also explain the importance of supporting local small businesses who can reduce the impact on the environment in terms of transport and delivery impact. | | ||
Studio Leatham | | studioleatham | Inspired by folklore and mythology from around the world, I create unique terracotta Spirit Guardian sculptures., hand crafted in my Nottingham garden studio | | ||
Timeless Curiosity – recycle crafted jewellery | | TimelessCuriosity | timelesscuriosityuk | Zentangle-inspired artworks printed on lokta paper mounted on recycled card or etically printed onto brooches, stickers, gifts and bags. Handmade jewellery using upcycled watch parts, vintage sheet music, recycled beads and reclaimed wire. The sustainability of crafts and packaging will be highlighted on the products for sale and stall signage. | | |
Create P Dorey | create.pdorey.9 | createpdorey | Original handcrafted ink/ watercolour prints, cards, tshirts, bags and gifts (mugs/ coasters). CREATE t shirts, tote bags and heavy duty bags are 100% organic cotton and CREATE t shirts are fair wear (fair trade for clothing!). Inspired by our planet creating characters sharing the fun, playfulness and wonder of nature. | |
Voluntary and Campaigning Groups
Many of these groups have supported Nottingham Green Festival for up to 30 years, helping to maintain the diversity and ethical ethos of the event. Please visit as many of these 46 groups as you can. We would like to minimise the costs levied to these groups, so invite support for a solidarity fund to cover, for example, their insurance costs.
Stall name | Website | Description | Sustainability | |||
Iona School | | theionaschool | theionaschool | :Iona school is an inner city primary school following the ethos of Steiner education, and the stall would have information about the school, and offer some craft activities. | | |
Muslim Hands | | MuslimHands | @muslimhandsuk | Saving and rebuilding lives in Emergency zones. Fundraising bucket, sweets, and promotional fundraising material. Muslim Hands is working to tackle the effects of the changing climate. Our Pakistan team has been planting trees alongside our orphan students at our Muslim Hands schools – helping to tackle growing climate change & supporting the environment! It’s all part of our Greener Pakistan initiative, where we’ve planted thousands and thousands of trees! Meanwhile Somalia has faced its worst drought in 40 years. This emergency began amid an existing humanitarian crisis – millions of Somalis were suffering from climate shocks and decades of conflict, leading to widespread poverty and displacement. | | |
RSPB Midlands | | RSPBMidlands | @Natures_Voice | RSPB promotional stand – we hope to have lots of conversations with people about the nature and climate crisis and our work to tackle this on a national and global scale. We will be promoting ways to support us such as membership, and will have a selelction of our popular wildlife pin badges available. | | |
Woodland Trust | | TheWoodlandTrust | @woodlandtrust | We can talk to the public about role of the trees in fighting climate change and about Woodland Trust position described in our ‘Emergency Tree Plan for the UK’ where we talk about the ways of increasing tree cover and address the nature and climate emergency. We can give Key recommendations of the Emergency Tree Plan for the UK, show how trees and woods help the UK respond to the climate and biodiversity crises and what is the current woodland creation situation. We will have group or 1:1 conversation providing posters, magazines, brochures and inviting public to support Woodland Trust through memberships. We engage with target all types of audience. | | |
Nottingham City Women’s Institute (WI) | | nottinghamcitywi | @nottmcitywi | nottinghamcitywi | Nottingham City WI will be having a jumble sale with crafts, plants, books, and other stuff for sale. Promotion for City WI and Notts Federation of WIs, as well as a donation point and swap rail for Sharewear. | |
Nottingham Women’s Centre | | nottswomenscent | @nottswomenscent | nottswomenscent | Nottingham Women’s Centre is a small local charity located just around the corner from the Green Festival’s location. We have been a central place for campaigning and activism in Nottingham for over 50 years and offer an informal space where all women can come together to discuss and organise on the issues most important to them – such as the climate change agenda. In recent times we have hosted climate change discussions with leading female figures in Nottinghamshire. Nottingham Women’s Library is located on the top floor of the building and offers a pool of resources from over the years too. We will bring a selection of the library’s stock to the festival so people can get a better idea of what the Library has to offer. All of our communications material is available online with QR codes for people to scan at the festival to keep paper waste to a minimum. | |
Notts Trades Council | Nottingham-and-Mansfield-Trades-Council-326865823969 | @NottsTUC | We work with trade unions and other groups to pursue a range of campaigns relevant to working people. This includes education and campaigning around climate change. Notts TUC seeks to build alliances to defend workers’ rights and to protect our communities from savage and unnecessary Tory cuts. For investment; against austerity . | | ||
Green Festival Organising Group | | NottmGreenFest | @NottmGreenFest | nottmgreenfest | Support The Green Festival – Volunteer! The festival is run by volunteers, all help much appreciated. If you can steward on the day, or help with planning and running the festival please get in touch | |
Clean Stream | | @Upcycle2u | Recycling and waste streams are separated out to preserve resourses for re-use during the festival and for optimal recycling afterwards. | | ||
Carbon Neutral Nottingham | | CarbonNeutral28 | @CN2028 | Carbon Neutral Nottingham 2028 is the strategy for tackling climate change in Nottingham City and the stall will be used to communicate information about what CN28 is and how local people can get involved. There will be accessible activities to help visitors of all ages and backgrounds to better understand their carbon footprints, and advice on how this can be reduced through simple every day actions and how this links to CN28. We would also be showcasing the findings from the recent ‘Hello Nottingham’ public engagement project, where through digital conversations, people of Nottingham have been sharing their personal reflections on climate change, their personal actions, hopes and concerns. This will be interpreted to a creative and inspiring piece by a local artist. Because of this, would it be possible to have the stall in a fairly flat location, as we are yet unsure what this piece will be! | | |
Inspired Quill | | InspiredQuill | InspiredQuill | Three novels (two with Nottingham settings) and a short story collection by two local authors published by Inspired Quill, a small independent press setting new standards for ethical, eco-friendly, and people-orientated publishing. We will discuss sustainable publishing with people who visit our stall and promoting fiction that addresses the climate crisis, | | |
Animal Rising | | AnimalRising | AnimalRising | animal.rising | A grassroots movement building community and empowering individuals to take nonviolent direct action against the systems responsible for the animal and climate emergencies. We will be talking about nonviolent direct action and encouraging people to come along to a talk and training session so they can get involved. We will be clarifying the link between animal agriculture and the climate and ecological emergencies. We will be able to educate people on the harms of animal agriculture, animal ‘sports’ and animal testing. We will likely be offering interactive activities alongside this in terms of badge making or block printing. We generally target all adults, particularly those that identify as animal lovers. Due to legal complications we generally avoid aiming to get minors involved and instead encourage them to join groups specifically designed for children. | |
AWL Alliance Workers Liberty | | workersliberty | @workersliberty | Socialist books and pamphlets, including campaigns to highlight the environmental crisis. More at | | |
Baha’i Faith | | Bahais-of-Carlton-and-Gedling-780464985398589 | Displaying Bahá’í Faith view on caring for the planet and all its peoples plus offering plants and fruit to take away In relation to the Stalls criteria we would hope to engage all age groups in appropriate discussion and offer literature on the concepts of unity, {unity in diversity not in uniformity}, social justice, care for the environment, sustainable development, food and farming, health and healing, and spiritual, mental and material wellbeing on global and local levels. In relation to improving our local environment we will offer a selection of fruit bush cuttings, herbs and pollinator friendly plants for people to take away, making a financial donation to St Annes and Sneinton Food Bank if they wish. We also hope to have fruit grown by our members to share. We are all members of one human race and we adhere to the statement that, ‘The Earth is but One Country and Mankind its Citizens. | | ||
Brinsley Animal Rescue | | Animal rescue run on vegan values. Dedicated to the caring of pets, wild animals and farm animals. | | |||
Burrowed Hearts | | BurrowedHeartsRescue | @BurrowedHearts | burrowedhearts | We are a vegan-run rescue and are entirely against the pet trade/breeding of domesticated animals. We also encourage people to forage for wild plants for their rabbits/guinea pigs rather than buying commercial pet food which has the added benefit of reducing packaging and not supporting pet shops. Our stall would be a mix of information regarding adopting/caring for rabbits/rodents and having items to purchase such as notebooks, magnets, mugs (donated from Bug Art when they discontinue certain designs) and also enrichment for rabbits/rodents such as natural chew toys. | |
CND, Nottingham / Stop the War Coalition | | EastMidsCND | @nottingham_cnd | Our intention is to have our campaign materials, T shirts and badges and some sort of activity to engage people with the issue of military spending versus alternatives. With the Russian invasion of Ukraine more than a year ago the danger of nuclear missiles being used or damage to a nuclear reactor is higher than ever which poses an existential risk to the environment leaving a devastating legacy for centuries to come. We will highlight the existence of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and encourage citizens to support it. We will also have a tombola to raise money for campaign funds. | | |
Cuba Solidarity Campaign, Nottm | | We will communicate the climate agenda by raising awareness of an international experience of approaching climate change which has been gained in Cuba. We shall have leaflets and other literature which will communicate how the Cuban people took on a Green Agenda in response to the blockade by US.” We will sell Cuban products, like Coffee, to be an act of solidarity and practical support for their green approach to production. We will also be at the stall to discuss the Cuban approach to pursuing a Green Agenda; far from perfect but an experience we can learn from. | | |||
Framework: Nature in Mind | | natureinmind1 | Nature in Mind supports people with mental health issues, promoting well-being and recovery, through engagement with nature and heritage-related activities in Nottinghamshire and beyond. | | ||
Friends of Nottingham Arboretum | | Friends of the Nottingham Arboretum have helped with labelling & conservation management of the trees and designed an Arboretum Tree leaflet & heritage trail for visitors. | | |||
Friends of the Forest | | Friends of the Forest: a non-profit constituted community group which supports efforts to maintain the Forest as an accessible, open, green space of historic importance for the City of Nottingham. Nottm Inclosure Walk guides for sale | | |||
Gedling Climate Change Group | | GedlingClimateChange | This Community Climate change group in Gedling Borough brings together like minded people with a care for their environment, share and promote good practice with the public. We held climate ‘hustings’ in Gedling for election candidates and hope to use that register to promote our stall and the Festival to a wider audience. We also plan to provide more activities for young people on the stall, and promote the Festival in local schools more. | | ||
Global Justice Nottingham | | Global-Justice-Nottingham-1401471070066187/ | @now_nottingham | The stall will be communicating the climate change agenda through our national organisation’s campaign materials on making fossil fuel corporations pay compensation for climate change loss and damage to low income countries, and on ending the Energy Charter Treaty, and on climate justice more generally. Activities or learning will be offered through leaflets and booklets, petitions and action cards, potentially games/quizzes highlighting the issues , suitable for teenagers and adults. Campaign and information materials relatie to global social and economic justice | | |
Green Guardians | | nottmgreenguardians | Promoting volunteering opportunities in Nottingham City’s Park and Open Spaces so citizens can help make Nottingham Happier, Healthier and Greener! Activity: plant and take home a native wildflower bulb in either a biodegradable or second hand/recycled pot to help pollinators e.g. bluebells, wood anemone, snow drops etc. | | ||
Greenpeace, Nottingham Support Group | | greenpeacenottingham | @GreenpeaceNotts | greenpeacenotts | Greenpeace environmental group will be presenting our latest campaign and information about the organisation generally. | |
Hackspace | | NottingHack | @hsnotts | nottinghack | Nottingham Hackspace is a member-funded, member-led, and volunteer-driven workshop, studio and co-working space for the East Midlands, located close to the centre of Nottingham. It’s a place for makers and creatives to meet, learn, swap skills, and work on projects. | |
Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust | | HLMT will be selling cards, Liberian fabric and other African goods plus plant and preserves to raise funds for midwifery training for people in Liberia. The aim of HLMT is to support midwifery training in Liberia, one of the poorest countries on earth, by providing grants to midwifery students. In doing so, we are very mindful that the extreme dangers posed by climate change, not just in the UK but to sub-Saharan counties in Africa such as Liberia. We do everything possible to minimize our carbon footprint and to operate responsibly. So, for example, the Liberian Lapa fabric that forms the basis of our art and craft work, is bought directly from Liberian market traders and not from wholesalers or middle-people. It is transported to Nottingham by individuals who are already travelling to the UK for other purposes, e.g. education and training. Our arts and crafts are all produced in Nottingham and so distribution and collection of products has minimal climate impact. We do not use any plastic packaging. And because both the production of our art/crafts and the stalls where we sell our products are both in and around Nottingham, transport costs are minimal. | | |||
Help for Hedgepigs | | HelpforHedgehogs | hhedgepigs | We sell hedgehog and wildlife themed items to rise funds for our hedgehog rescue. Many items are hand made, by local crafters. 100% of proceeds from sales goes to the rescue, to rehabilitate hedgehogs, and also to help fund our conservation projects. We also have a wide range of leaflets about how people can help hedgehogs in their area, how to garden in a wildlife friendly way, and how to get in touch with us if they would like to have wildlife ‘hedgehog’ holes put in their boundary fences. | | |
Keep our NHS Public (KONP) | | @KONPNottmNotts | Local campaigning group to stop privatisation of NHS; Badges, leaflets, newspapers, petitions and posters about our local and national campaigns. we have worked with Climate Justice Now and will be promoting conversations about how Health Justice is inextricably linked to Climate Justice. As a group we have supported all the climate demonstrations in the city. If left to the private sector, the physical and mental health effects of pollution, extreme heat and cold, flooding, food and water shortages, especially on those disproportionally impacted, will be of no interest those who put profit before people. | | ||
New Lucas Plan /Just Space | | New Lucas Plan have been directly involved in the Climate Justice Coalition both locally and nationally – including the Climate Justice Trade Union Caucus.They say “We will relay to visitors their learning from this activity – particularly the ‘We Make Tomorrow’ Conference held on May 20 in Manchester where we led a workshop event on Bottom Up Local Economic Planning.We have tried to integrate climate justice into the core of our economic planning. We plan to run workshops at the stall on what we mean by local economic planning and will be able to report back on what we have learned from our work in the last year. Lots of challenges! Our target audience is everyone, all ages, different levels of activity and differing political persuasions – although we will not entertain those who express overt racist, sexist or xenophobic views. Thankfully this group do not tend to come to the Green Festival! | | |||
Nottingham Animal Rights | | nottinghamanimalrights | @NottinghamAR | Find out about local and national campaigns that you can support with Nottingham Animal Rights. | ||
Nottingham Arimathea Trust (Host Nottingham) | | arimatheatrust | @ArimatheaTrust | arimatheatrust | Nottingham Arimathea Trust provides rental accommodation and host homes to refugees and asylum seekers who would otherwise be homeless. We support our tenants and guests through casework and legal advice. We also run a Clothes Bank which provides clothing and toiletries to asylum seekers across Nottinghamshire. Increase migration from the South to the North is a consequence rather than a cause of the climate crisis. Nottingham Arimathea Trust, by providing accomadation through rental properties and host homes, and by providing support work and basic provisions to clients, mitigates and humanises the hostile environment which confronts those seeking refuge in the UK. | |
Nottingham Green Party | | nottsgreenparty | @NottsGreenparty | Education of environmental issues and the work of the Green Party; possibly merchandise such as books, plants, t-shirts | | |
Nottingham Labour Group | | nottinghamlabour | @ng_labour | Nottingham Labour has been attending the green festival and the peace festival before since it started. We will have an information stall and make elected representatives available to hear suggestions from and answer questions of the public. We are known for building a radical reputation for environmental policies including in waste management, boosting greener public transport and applying levies to commuters rather than residents. Under our lead Nottingham City Council is heading to Carbon Neutrality in 2028. | | |
Nottingham Stand Up to Racism / Care for Calais | nottmsutr | @NottinghamSUTR | Leaflets advertising the SUTR conference in October 2021, info sheets, membership forms, contact sheets, badges, donation bucket, posters | | ||
Nottingham SWP | | Nottingham SWP | Our extensive literature about climate change and environmental issues will available on our stall this year, with leaflets, pamphlets, books, posters, stickers and badges. We would welcome discussion and debate on these issues at out stall and particularly from younger people who face having to live into a time of predicted severe climate change. We believe we urgently need a system change from capitalism to revolutionary democratic socialism to help us avoid worse climate change now, and enable the prospect of reversing processes that have already taken place The SWP is for: independent working class action, revolution not reform (there is no Parliamentary road), internationalism, the need for a revolutionary party and we will have publications from our party and other literature on our stall that makes the case for these views. | | ||
Recycled Guatemalan Purses | Sue Mountjoy and James Ruddy are travel journalists (British Guild of Travel Writers) who met the impoverished Chiquimila people in the central highlands of Guatemala 8 years ago and decided to help them by selling their handmade recycled crisp bag purses in UK. We have sent the proceeds to them ever since. We are selling a new batch at the Green Festival. | | ||||
Skills Exchange NG7 | | nottinghamskillsexchange | @TimebankingUK | Tombola, planting project helping people plant bulbs in peat pots to take home. New members welcome to join the Skills Exchange. | | |
Socialist Party, Nottm | | Educational & campaign material, incl newspapers, literature, leaflets, posters, stickers | | |||
Sumac Centre | | SumacCentre | The Sumac Centre is a volunteer-run social & community space based in Forest Fields, Nottingham. It is the mome to many activist & community groups, including the Green Festival. | |||
Surge Sanctuary | | thesurgesanctuary | thesurgesanctuary | 48% of land in the UK is used for animal agriculture. A shift from animal-based to plant-based food systems will reduce food related greenhouse gas emissions by 70% and land used for food production by 76% (Harwatt and Hayek 2019). Our stall will be highlighting the environmental and ethical issues with animal agriculture, providing support and advice on how to transition to a plant-based diet and detailing the importance of this transition in respect to our individual efforts to combat climate change. Visitors of all ages can learn about our residents and their rescue stories from farms around the UK. We feel that making personal connections with our residents through seeing pictures of them and hearing about their stories will encourage people to think about how changes to their diet can have a positive impact on the animals, the environment and the future of our planet. | | |
Tiger Green Textiles | TigerGreenTextiles | @TigerGreenTex | tigershowcases | Tiger Green Textiles is a community recycling project bringing people together to learn and share sewing and craft skills. We also have volunteers who work from home making for the community. We will be talking to people about sustainability, and the items we make that support that aim, to help make simple changes to support the planet. Our reusable sanitary wear is a perfect example as, not only is it a healthier option, it also drastically reduces plastic waste. Our SuPer Project also supports people in period poverty. | | |
XR Nottingham | | XRNottm | @XRNottm | Information and training about how to take effective action to pressure governments to act with urgency on the climate and ecological emergency, bringing the voices of ordinary people into decision making. | | |
Friends of the Earth, Nottingham | | | We will probably be focusing on a national Friends of the Earth campaign that is current in September. We will ensure that this is relevant to climate justice. We will mainly be targeting an adult audience (from young to old). | | ||
Refugee Forum, Nottm & Notts | | nottsrefugeeforum | @NNRF1 | Information/leaflets on how we help and support asylum seekers and refugees, and how to volunteer with us. | |
Catering & Local Food Producers
Come Hungry!
Fourteen great vegan caterers & food producers provide a wide range of tasty foods to enjoy at the event or to take away. By providing exclusively vegan food we are able to cater for the ethical & environmental choices of all faiths & cultures.
Including more plant-based foods in your diet is one of the biggest personal steps to can take for the planet. With over 300 vegan caterers in the UK so we are lucky to have so much choice. We therefore favour caterers based in Nottingham, including regulars from Sherwood & West Bridgford Vegan Markets.
Stall name | Website | Description | Sustainability | |||
Abeyo Ethiopian Cuisine | abeyo.abeyo.77 | Abeyo Ethiopian cuisine is doing complete vegan food such as spicy red lentil stew, split yellow peas stew, selection of Ethiopian style vegetable served with Enjera (flat bread) and freshly roasted coffee | | |||
Dosa Love | | adosalove | adosalove | adosalove | Plant-based and Gluten-Free Indian Street Food, including our Dosa Love – Dosa with curry, rice, dal, chutney and chilli sauce. Served at festivals, community events, street food festivals, farmers markets and more. We use biodegradable packaging. We care about the world around us and limit our impact on the environment. We support other small and local businesses. | |
Grazeebo | | | Grazeebo Vegan Hot Food Catering – Serving Vegan Kebab & Chips, Vegan Bacon & Egg Cobs, Salt & Chilli Chips as well chips and sauces etc. | | ||
Khatti-Meethi | khattimeethi30 | khattimeethi30 | Khatti-Meethi provides vegan Indian streetfood and curries, such as paprichaat, pakora wraps etc | | ||
No Baloney | nobaloneyuk | @NoBaloneyUk | Handmade & homemade vegan comfort food: Hot Toasty ‘Dog-bite’ wraps, Bubble and squeaky mash, Gluten-free Bangers, XL hot dogs with the works, super scrummy MAC NO CHEESE! | | ||
Plantizza Vegan Pizza | plantizzaveganpizza | plantizza_veganpizza | Neapolitan Vegan Pizza, using 100% plant based ingredients, for any outdoor events around Nottingham. | |||
SuRano Nottingham | suranonottingham | suranonottingham | Vegan Authentic Indian Food | |||
Veganitis | veganitismeals | Veganitis_meals | Caribbean influenced home cooked 100% vegan catering. Hot vegan meals, snacks, homemade jerk sauce and possibly desserts. Our mission for Veganitis is to provide locally sourced and supplied ingredients. We do not use single use plastics, petrol generators or animal products (including honey). Where possible, helpers on our stall are encouraged to travel together, use public transport or walk where possible as a means to getting to the event. Our aim has always been to promote and encourage a plant-based approach to cuisine from a Caribbean background, eliminating the use of all animal products, which in turn reduces the negative impact on the environment. From customer feedback, we have seen an increase in non-vegan/vegetarians being more open to trying and enjoying our plant-based alternatives in turn being able to make changes in their own diet, lifestyle and views on environmental issues. | | ||
Veggies Catering Campaign | | Veggiescatering | @veggiesnottm | veggiescateringcampaign | The longest established & most ethical vegan caterer in the UK, established in Nottingham in 1984 | |
Coco cheesecakes | | cococheesecakes | @cococheesecakes | cococheesecakes | As business selling vegan products, run by vegans, we are committed to promoting the fact that a plant-based food system is achievable, delicious, and most importantly, vital for the future of our planet. We always try to minimise waste and do not use single use plastic, instead opting for recyclable/compostable packaging. We are always happy to talk to our customers about the benefits of veganism and of our vegan journey. | |
Dash Vegan | | dashvegan | @dashvegan | dashvegan | Gluten free vegan food, incl dog food, zero waste homewares, personal care, gifts, bags, stickers & badges – plastic free wherever possible! | |
Dodo’s Deli | @dodosdeli_2022 | Vegan sandwiches, snacks and drinks | | |||
V-Ice Screams | | vicescreams | vicescreams | V-Ice Screams are a Nottingham based vegan owned ice cream buisness with a strong ethos on minimising food waste. We also take great care to ensure all our packaging is either fully recyclable or compostable and actively encourage our customers to bring their own containers from home.As a vegan owned buisness we believe this is the biggest impact we can have on climate change and the ecological crisis. Moreover, we constantly strive to obtain our ingredients and packaging from local sources, wherever possible. | | |
Stewarts Coffees – Blend | | stewartscoffees | @stewartscoffees | Coffee roaster, selling coffee, tea and other drinks. See the comprehensive environmental policy at | |
Site Map
Work in progress in mapping the stalls on this live Google Map