In light of the climate crisis, biodiversity loss and other critical ecological concerns, the Green Festival works to provide education, workshops and information-sharing to better enable people to understand the issues of concern and to help them bring about the changes required.
Stall holders are invited have a positive role in advancing the sustainability of the event & to follow guidance resulting from the discussion.
Please see the sustainability criteria, where stalls describe how they will educate, inform or in other ways highlight their role in addressing the issues highlighted by the Green Festival.
As a starter for the conversation, these are some of our existing policies:
- No single use plastic is allowed. Please minimise other single-use packaging. Where necessary source biodegradable / compostable packaging and bags etc for your stall.
- No generators may be used.
- The Festival is 100% Vegan; we ask stall holders not to bring items that contain meat, dairy, honey, eggs, fish or animal bi-products, (such as leather & wool), to the Festival.
- Stall Holders must take reasonable steps to ensure that their stall, and the area around it, is kept free from litter. Litter should be periodically deposited in the appropriate litter, recycling or composting bins provided.
Campaign, charity & political groups should indicate:
- How will the stall be communicating the climate change agenda?
- What activities or learning will be offered?
- Who is the target audience, e.g. ages?
Businesses, caterers and crafters should also indicate:
- How does your business play a positive role in tackling the climate & ecological crisis?
- How will the stall be communicating the climate change agenda?
All are welcome to join the Sustainability Working Group on Facebook to discuss ideas to ensure that the Green Festival continues to be the most sustainable free event in the UK
2023 Sustainability Statements
This listing shows stalls booked before the June 2023 deadline, with addition of new stalls booked during July. The index was a late addition which is therefore incomplete.
Stalls locations are shown on the Live-Map subject to last minute adjustments.
Street Support Nottingham and Nottingham Street Aid
Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust:
Activities include Children’s Nature Challenge for children to use clue sheets provided to find images of wild animals around the stall. Our stand provides information on local wildlife and the nature reserves we care for, with a representative on hand to chat to the public. We hope to encourage people to learn more about the wildlife on their doorstep and what they can do to help conserve it, through offering advice on wildlife gardening and current projects.
Muslim Hands:
Saving and rebuilding lives in Emergency zones. Fundraising bucket, sweets, and promotional fundraising material. Muslim Hands is working to tackle the effects of the changing climate. Our Pakistan team has been planting trees alongside our orphan students at our Muslim Hands schools – helping to tackle growing climate change & supporting the environment! It’s all part of our Greener Pakistan initiative, where we’ve planted thousands and thousands of trees! Meanwhile Somalia has faced its worst drought in 40 years. This emergency began amid an existing humanitarian crisis – millions of Somalis were suffering from climate shocks and decades of conflict, leading to widespread poverty and displacement.
The Green Festival was pleased to extend a special invitation to Nottingham-based direct aid charity, Muslim Hands, to hold an awareness raising and fundraising stall as a response to the 2022 Pakistan Floods. Alongside their application to attend again in 2023, they attached this comprehensive sustainability statement:
Woodland Trust:
We are the country’s largest woodland conservation charity with over 500,000 members and supporters and more than 1,000 sites, covering over 26,000 hectares, all over the UK. We’re standing up for woods and trees. We protect and campaign, plant trees, and restore ancient woodland for the benefit of wildlife and people. To realise our vision we need to rekindle people’s love for woods and trees and show them the benefits trees can bring to our lives and communities.
We can talk to the public about role of the trees in fighting climate change and about Woodland Trust position described in our ‘Emergency Tree Plan for the UK’ where we talk about the ways of increasing tree cover and address the nature and climate emergency. We can give Key recommendations of the Emergency Tree Plan for the UK, show how trees and woods help the UK respond to the climate and biodiversity crises and what is the current woodland creation situation. We will have group or 1:1 conversation providing posters, magazines, brochures and inviting public to support Woodland Trust through memberships. We engage with target all types of audience.
RSPB – Royal Society for the Protection of Birds:
The RSPB’s approach to its own environmental impacts
We’re asking people to find more sustainable ways to meet their needs to help them make the link between their individual actions and saving wildlife.
Our commitments:
We apply this to the way we work too. We’ve had a greening programme since the 1990s and now have a corporate environmental management system (EMS). In addition, our workplaces in Wales and Scotland and our UKHQ have gained the Green Dragon stamp of approval for their environmental work. We’re rolling this scheme out to other areas. Download and read our Environmental Policy, which sets out our overall direction. We’re focusing on these key areas:
- Reducing carbon emissions
- Ensuring legal compliance
- Maintaining our recycling rate
- Ensuring our purchasing of products like coffee, tea, timber and seafood meets
- Electric car charge points at our HQ with three electric vehicles in our fleet
- Elimination of plastic from our membership packs and parcels
- Bringing chocolate from Gola forest to our shops – eat chocolate and save a rainforest
- All RSPB bird seed is from Fair to Nature farms – doubly good for wildlife
- Shifting courses online, such as our RSPB induction, and greatly increasing the number of courses available as online modules, reducing the need to travel
- Switching to paperless HR and Finance systems
V-Ice Screams:
We are a Nottingham based vegan owned ice cream buisness with a strong ethos on minimising food waste. We also take great care to ensure all our packaging is either fully recyclable or compostable and actively encourage our customers to bring their own containers from home.As a vegan owned buisness we believe this is the biggest impact we can have on climate change and the ecological crisis. Moreover, we constantly strive to obtain our ingredients and packaging from local sources, wherever possible.
Purple Pumpkin Patch:
I have a local handmade shop in Loughborough encouraging people to buy locally made and therefore reducing the equivalent of “food miles” for gifts. I also use paper bags and with each item being handmade and one of a kind, we can reuse fabrics in our items without too many issues.
2023 update: Our best selling items at the Green Festival are reusuable fabric gift bags made from upcycled material, fabric kitchen aprons for adults and children, peg bags for hanging laundry to air dry, and also our vegan yarns and gifts made from them. From these items being our best sellers, we are helping with air drying laundry which reduces the use of electricity from tumble drying, waste going to landfill from using single use plastic coated gift bags, and home cooking which avoids single use plastics and food waste. Our vegan items gives options to those on a plant based lifestyle footpath.
Socialist Party, Nottingham:
We believe that socialist planning under democratic workers control is needed for a sustainable planet.Since 1988, just 100 companies across the planet have been responsible for 71% of all emissions. Up until 2010, just 90 companies were responsible for producing 63% of the cumulative emissions globally since the year 1751. This is what capitalism looks like – a system in which the creation of profit for a tiny minority of society dominates all else, including the health and protection of the environment and our planet. We believe that the capitalist class – the billionaires and big business bosses and the pro-capitalist politicians who protect their interests are to blame for this environmental crisis. That’s why we need a socialist alternative to capitalism. The fight for our future needs system change – from capitalism to socialism. Socialism means the decisions about how society is organised would be democratically made by the billions not the billionaires.We campaign for:
Integrated energy, manufacturing and transport strategies; Campaigning for decent wages, housing and public services and for homes for all is crucial to enable people to make the best choices for a sustainable plant; By linking up with the trade unions, young people could build a potentially colossal movement against climate change; Mass collective working class action – specifically, strike action has the power to not just shut down the roads but to shut down the whole country.
Global Justice Nottingham:
Global Justice Nottingham, the local group of Global Justice Now, campaigns on climate justice. Radical action is needed immediately and throughout this decade to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change. The global south is already experiencing the most intense impacts of climate change despite being the least responsible for it. For Global Justice Now, dealing with the structural root causes of climate chaos means changing the rules of the global economic system.
That is:
Changing international trade rules which give power to corporations and block climate action, specially ending the Energy Charter Treaty which allows fossil fuel corporations to sue governments restricting their activities
Ending public and private financing of fossil fuel infrastructure in the global south
Changing a global debt system which locks the global south into dependency on rich countries and prevents them from investing in climate action
Holding transnational corporations to account for undermining human rights and fuelling climate change, specially campaigning for the international compensation fund for low income countries facing loss and damage due to climate change to be paid by the big polluting corporations in the fossil fuel industry who have created and profited from climate catastrophe.
The stall will be communicating the climate change agenda through our national organisation’s campaign materials on making fossil fuel corporations pay compensation for climate change loss and damage to low income countries, and on ending the Energy Charter Treaty, and on climate justice more generally. Activities or learning will be offered through leaflets and booklets, petitions and action cards, potentially games/quizzes highlighting the issues , suitable for teenagers and adults. Campaign and information materials relatie to global social and economic justice
Nottingham SWP:
Our extensive literature about climate change and environmental issues will available on our stall this year, with leaflets, pamphlets, books, posters, stickers and badges. We would welcome discussion and debate on these issues at out stall and particularly from younger people who face having to live into a time of predicted severe climate change. We believe we urgently need a system change from capitalism to revolutionary democratic socialism to help us avoid worse climate change now, and enable the prospect of reversing processes that have already taken place.
Pola Ice Poles:
Pola Ice Poles use whole, fresh local fruit. 100% vegan, containing nothing artificial and are delicious! We use fruit from Nottingham farms as well as our own back garden. The UK relies heavily on importing fruit to fulfill customers needs. As well as costing millions, these imports also come with unnecessary airplane emissions, lorry exhaust emissions, packaging and as a result a large and unneeded carbon footprint. However, at Pola we prioritise working with local farms and producers to source our ingredients as locally as possible which avoids the issues listed above. A local food system not only better supports the planet but also local businesses and the local economy.
Nottingham Trades Council:
We work with trade unions and other groups to pursue a range of campaigns relevant to working people. This includes education and campaigning around climate change. Notts TUC seeks to build alliances to defend workers’ rights and to protect our communities from savage and unnecessary Tory cuts. For investment; against austerity .
Timeless Curiosity:
Zentangle-inspired artworks printed on lokta paper mounted on recycled card or etically printed onto brooches, stickers, gifts and bags. Handmade jewellery using upcycled watch parts, vintage sheet music, recycled beads and reclaimed wire. The sustainability of crafts and packaging will be highlighted on the products for sale and stall signage.
Ethical Policy – January 2019
Timeless Curiosity is a one woman craft enterprise making handmade jewellery, run by Nikki England. I am a sole trader with no employees at present, although family members occasionally help out at stalls. It is important to Timeless Curiosity that we treat all customers, stockists, event organisers and suppliers ethically. This means we have standards and values that are key to our running and these must be adhered to in all of our interactions.Ethical Stance
Trustworthiness: integrity, honesty
All interactions with customers, stockists, event organisers and suppliers to be conducted in an open, straightforward and honest manner.
Respect: dignity, tolerance, privacy, courtesy
All interactions with customers, stockists, event organisers and suppliers to be conducted with respect and tolerance. Personal data will be treated in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2018.
Fairness: equality, consistency
All interactions with customers, stockists, event organisers and suppliers to be conducted in a manner which supports our commitment to the principles of equal opportunities and fairness.
Careful: care not to harm others or environment
All interactions with customers, stockists, event organisers and suppliers to be conducted in a safe and vigilant manner in order to reduce the risk of harm to individuals or to the environment.Environmental policy
Timeless Curiosity is committed to minimising the environmental impact of its business, production and sales. This is achieved by:
Using recycled, upcycled, discarded materials that would otherwise end in landfill where possible;
Using recyclable and renewable materials in placewood of virgin products where possible;
Reducing the amount of waste produced;
Choosing like-minded, ethical suppliers where possible;
Sourcing recyclable and renewable packaging;
Reducing the use of raw materials, water and fuels;
Actively promoting recycling with customers, stockists, event organisers and suppliers
Sustainability Statement:With regard to the Nottingham Green Festival, we will ensure there will be no single-use plastic on our stall, we will ask all our stall volunteers to travel to the Arboretum by public transport, cycle or walk if they can, we will ask all our stall volunteers to abide by the organisers’ vegan-only request regarding what they bring onto the site and will aim to reduce litter in the first place, barring that, ensure any litter it produces will be recycled in the appropriate containers on-site.More generally, the Nottingham Green Party, as part of the Green Party of England & Wales, advocates policies which will build a sustainable society that guarantees the long-term future of ourselves and all other species on our planet. To that end we have a policy for the UK to become carbon-neutral by 2030. To achieve this end, we shall phase out fossil-fuel based energy generation and nuclear power and invest in a public programme of renewable generation, flood defences and building insulation.The Nottingham Green Party’s core aim is to get Green Party Councilors and Members of Parliament elected in our local area. We also aim to grow our activist base so we can campaign on local and national issues and educate our members and the public at large on the danger to humanity from the climate crisis and other threats to our natural environment. To this end we have regular meetings and we produce leaflets and newsletters explaining our aims and policies.
Nottingham Friends of the Earth:
Friends of the Earth is an environmental campaigning community dedicated to the wellbeing and protection of the natural world and everyone in it. We will probably be focusing on a national F.o.E. campaign that is current in September. As at April 2023 these include:
Inspired Quill:
Two local authors will be resenting East Midlands publisher Inspired Quill, a small independent press setting new standards for ethical, eco-friendly, and people-orientated publishing. We will discuss sustainable publishing with people who visit our stall and promoting fiction that addresses the climate crisis.From submission to launch, we collaborate with our authors, rather than operating above them. We diligently focus on setting new standards in ecological, people-oriented publishing that actively develops an author’s skills, by facilitating open involvement in marketing and editing, and encouraging authentic public confidence.Inspired Quill are in the process of developing an eco-pledge which will see us become the first 100% carbon neutral publisher in the UK by the end of 2025. We use print on demand technology to ensure none of our overstock requires pulping, packaging used is recycled and recyclable, and our volunteers are part of carbon-negative initiatives for their day-to-day output (including publishing work).
Tiger Green Textiles:
A community recycling project, with sustainability at it’s heart.We will be talking to people about sustainability, and the items we make that support that aim, to help make simple changes to support the planet. Our reusable sanitary wear is a perfect example as, not only is it a healthier option, it also drastically reduces plastic waste. Our SuPer Project also supports people in period poverty.Where possible we use materials that are donated to us, some of which are ‘new’, donated by local factories or individuals, to make something new. Sharing recycling and upcycling ideas with our community, as well as sharing the skills to enable people to progress on their own sustainability journey.Where we use new or specialist materials – such as our reusable sanitary wear range – it will be because they are necessary for hygiene reasons or to serve a specific purpose such as absorbency. We try to source these materials from sustainable sources and ensure that the materials are as eco friendly as possible and the items we make can be reused time and again.We made scrubs and accessories during lockdown and have since moved to making reusable sanitary wear to support those in period poverty and also shopper bags to support food parcel distribution.Our volunteers also make a lot of the items we sell on the stall – our sustainable living range including lots of ‘reusables’, sanitary wear and wet bags, tote bags, waterproof drawstring bags, face masks and lots of one off handmade items.
Studio Leatham:
Paul Leatham creates sculptures from Terracotta, one of humankind’s oldest creative materials.“I craft each item using my hands as the main tools, most additional decorative stamps and modelling tools I have fashioned from terracotta or recycled everyday items such as chopsticks and scrap wood.“At my stall I use paper bags and packing materials and no single-use plastics. I fire my work at home using an electric kiln that I rebuilt and refurbished myself. Ceramics require a lot of energy to be fired. To minimise my energy usage I always fill the kiln and use a “fired once” technique, rather than a bisque firing with a separate glaze firing.”More at and on instagram at
The Soap Dragons:
Greenwashing or green washing?
Greenwashing is when companies (or sometimes individuals like Bono fide rock stars and so on) mask their dubious environmental practices in a smog of smug: you’ve probably seen the lovely oil companies and their adverts showing glorious alpine landscapes and a love of nature and the environment.
However, we Soap Dragons love green washing – we make and sell Soap With Attitude, but an attitude that promotes sustainable, green values. All our soaps are:
Palm oil-free
Free of artificial fragrances and colours
Produced, stored and distributed without any single-use plastics
Our boxes are made from 100% recycled card
Packaged with recyclable, acid-free materials and UHU stic ReNature vegan glue
Not tested on animals and cruelty free
No nano-products are used
Made with supplies from ethical manufacturers who adhere to Fair Trade standards
Packed with natural essential oils (except Smooth Operator, which is made for sensitive skin types)
Low-To-No-Waste – At The Soap Dragons, we strive to produce as little waste as possible with our goal being Zero Waste. Our unique Holding Out For A Zero and Wasteland soaps bars are upcycled from the off-cuts and wonky ones to ensure minimal waste. We are not at Zero yet – but we’re getting there, just like British Rail (before it was broken up and sold off…
Nottingham Green Guardians:
Nottingham Green Guardians are supporting Nottingham City Councils CN28 ambition through conservation advocacy & environmental action. We aim to provide a route to take local action for residents, whether it be through planting trees, litter picking or helping to maintain and protect nature reserves or local wildlife sites across the City. We work with individuals, local green groups and environmental charities, by working with others we can achieve great things for people and nature together, making our city a place we can all be proud of..Education/Information: Information will be given as to how individuals and groups can take action for nature local to them by volunteering, we will have information on a range of activities that have taken place over the last year, including tree and hedgerow planting, community gardening, tree care and wetland management. Attendees can also give feedback on what they would like to get involved in across the city to shape upcoming activities. Attendees can also take action by registering to become a volunteer as one of Nottingham Green Guardians targets is to plant around 14,000 new trees across the City between October 2023-March 2024.Activity: plant and take home a native wildflower bulb in either a biodegradable or second hand/recycled pot to help pollinators e.g. bluebells, wood anemone, snow drops etc.
Silver Forager:
Jewellery and ornaments from seaglass collected around the coast of the UK; each piece of seaglass is unique and the designs are influenced by the seaglass pieces themselves.“I make my products from seaglass (a waste product), driftwood and where available, recycled silver. In terms of packaging I use recycled materials that can be further recycled. My displays are made from leftover wood from DIY projects or repurposed wood from old furniture. I try to minimise the impact on the environment as far as possible in my making and selling.”“When visiting the beach to collect the seaglass I use in my products I ensure I collect and dispose of any more damaging rubbish, eg plastic, cans, etc, as well as seaglass and driftwood. In terms of communicating the climate change agenda I will discuss the importance of reusing and repurposing of what others may think of as rubbish, as well as metals such as silver, with visitors to my stall. I’ll also explain the importance of supporting local small businesses who can reduce the impact on the environment in terms of transport and delivery impact. “
Veganitis is a 100% vegan, Caribbean influenced catering business. All food is homecooked and prepared in my own kitchen where I recycle or reuse as much as possible on a regular basis to keep waste to a minimum. By not using any animal products, this also has a huge positive impact on the environment.Our mission for Veganitis is to provide locally sourced and supplied ingredients.Our aim has always been to promote and encourage a plant-based approach to cuisine from a Caribbean background, eliminating the use of all animal products, which in turn reduces the negative impact on the environment.We do not use single use plastics, petrol generators or animal products (including honey). I only use recyclable, compostable and biodegradable food packaging, utensils, bags and equipment where possible in order to minimalise my carbon footprint. Where possible, helpers on our stall are encouraged to travel together, use public transport or walk where possible as a means to getting to the event.From customer feedback, we have seen an increase in non-vegan/vegetarians being more open to trying and enjoying our plant-based alternatives in turn being able to make changes in their own diet, lifestyle and views on environmental issues.
Cuba Solidarity Campaign, Nottingham:
Cuba is a small island in the eye of the storm of the gross and rapid changes being brought about by climate change. Already it has experienced devastating storms which are likely only to increase in severity . The island continues to take many measures to reduce its own CO2 emissions and to adopt more environmentally sustainable policies. It has developed a national plan called “TAREA VIDA” (Project Life) to try and deal with the clallenge of climate change. It offers a unique example to the world suggesting that a differently structured social and economic system may be able to advance and better coorinate measures to combat the climate crisis.” We will communicate the climate agenda by raising awareness of an international experience of approaching climate change which has been gained in Cuba. We shall have leaflets and other literature which will communicate how the Cuban people took on a Green Agenda in response to the blockade by US.” We will sell Cuban products, like Coffee, to be an act of solidarity and practical support for their green approach to production. We will also be at the stall to discuss the Cuban approach to pursuing a Green Agenda; far from perfect but an experience we can learn from.”
Helen Loewenstein Memorial Trust:
The aim of HLMT is to support midwifery training in Liberia, one of the poorest countries on earth, by providing grants to midwifery students. In doing so, we are very mindful that the extreme dangers posed by climate change, not just in the UK but to sub-Saharan counties in Africa such as Liberia.
We do everything possible to minimize our carbon footprint and to operate responsibly. So, for example, the Liberian Lapa fabric that forms the basis of our art and craft work, is bought directly from Liberian market traders and not from wholesalers or middle-people. It is transported to Nottingham by individuals who are already travelling to the UK for other purposes, e.g. education and training.
Our arts and crafts are all produced in Nottingham and so distribution and collection of products has minimal climate impact. We do not use any plastic packaging. And because both the production of our art/crafts and the stalls where we sell our products are both in and around Nottingham, transport costs are minimal.
Burrowed Hearts Animal Rescue:
We are a vegan-run rescue and are entirely against the pet trade/breeding of domesticated animals. We also encourage people to forage for wild plants for their rabbits/guinea pigs rather than buying commercial pet food which has the added benefit of reducing packaging and not supporting pet shops. Our stall would be a mix of information regarding adopting/caring for rabbits/rodents and having items to purchase such as notebooks, magnets, mugs (donated from Bug Art when they discontinue certain designs) and also enrichment for rabbits/rodents such as natural chew toys.– How will the stall be communicating the climate change agenda?Being anti pet trade and more specifically working towards an end to animals being sold in shops that also produce phenomenal amounts of plastic accessories for animals which aren’t necessary or even safe for them to use. We focus on natural animal care.– What activities or learning will be offered?We will have Rabbit Welfare Association booklets which are free to anyone considering adopting or wishing to learn how they can improve the lives of rabbits they have already.– Who is the target audience, e.g. ages?Adults, just because they’re the ones who are in a position to adopt/donate but we are a family-friendly stall.
Fundamental to the Bahá’í Teachings is the concept of world unity. (But this is unity in diversity not in uniformity.) We are all members of one human race and we adhere to the statement that, ‘The Earth is but One Country and Mankind its Citizens.’[At the Green Festival] There will be a selection of leaflets relating to both our spiritual and material environment. Thus, we invite everyone to read and peruse these offerings on subjects such as Prayer and Meditation, The Life of the Soul, Caring for the Environment, Treatment of Animals, Sustainable Development, Food and Farming and Health and Healing.There will also be some information about Bahá’u’lláh, the Founder of the Bahá’í Faith and some calendar events which are open to all.Nottingham Bahais will be displaying Bahá’í Faith view on caring for the planet and all its peoples plus offering plants and fruit to take away.We hope to engage all age groups in appropriate discussion and offer literature on the concepts of unity, {unity in diversity not in uniformity}, social justice, care for the environment, sustainable development, food and farming, health and healing, and spiritual, mental and material wellbeing on global and local levels.In relation to improving our local environment we will offer a selection of fruit bush cuttings, herbs and pollinator friendly plants for people to take away, making a financial donation to St Annes and Sneinton Food Bank if they wish. We also hope to have fruit grown by our members to share.We are all members of one human race and we adhere to the statement that, ‘The Earth is but One Country and Mankind its Citizens.
Keep our NHS Public (KONP):
KONP have worked with Climate Justice Now and will be promoting conversations about how Health Justice is inextricably linked to Climate Justice. As a group we have supported all the climate demonstrations in the city. If left to the private sector, the physical and mental health effects of pollution, extreme heat and cold, flooding, food and water shortages, especially on those disproportionally impacted, will be of no interest those who put profit before people.
Gedling Climate Change Group:
Local climate action starts here! 🌎🌱with the Gedling Climate Change Group – a group of people from all walks of life with one thing in common, to make a change!
They organise events, share resources and meet regularly to inform, explain and campaign about climate change.
“We realise that, great as the Festival is in encouraging and informing us all, there is the danger of ‘preaching to the converted’. We recently held climate ‘hustings’ in Gedling for the coming election candidates and we hope to use that register to promote our stall and the Festival to a wider audience We also plan to provide more activities for young people on the stall, and promote the Festival in local schools more”Visit follow
Increase migration from the South to the North is a consequence rather than a cause of the climate crisis. Nottingham Arimathea Trust, by providing accomodation through rental properties and host homes, and by providing support work and basic provisions to clients, mitigates and humanises the hostile environment which confronts those seeking refuge in the UK.Nottingham Arimathea Trust provides rental accommodation and host homes to refugees and asylum seekers who would otherwise be homeless. We support our tenants and guests through casework and legal advice. We also run a Clothes Bank which provides clothing and toiletries to asylum seekers across Nottinghamshire.
We want to:
Raise awareness that the climate crisis has a global impact on migration. The United Nations estimates that 22.5million individuals migrate each year because of floods, droughts and other sudden and slow onset disasters caused by the climate crisis. Furthermore, they believe these disasters indirectly worsen existing precarities, such as the suffering and rights of people groups in those areas. We want to highlight the various reasons why individuals might be forced to migrate, and how this links into the complex motivations why individuals might need to seek asylum in another country. Provide an opportunity for individuals to engage in sustainable living. Our clothes bank stock is nearly all second-hand clothing. We ask individuals that, instead of sending their clothes to landfill, consider donating them so that they can be reused and distributed to our clients who need them. We also encourage people to host clients in their spare rooms, which encourages more efficient use of energy in people’s homes.Activities offered:
We will also have a rail of second-hand, vegan clothing items, which will be branded and/or vinted. These items we can sell, and any proceeds will be donated to the Clothes Bank. We will have a sign up sheet for anyone who wants to get involved with our work.Learning offered:
Raise awareness about asylum seekers and refugees, and the plight they face on a national and local level. Demonstrate how we address those issues, and how people can get involved.Our target audience is primarily adults. Within this, we want to address homeowners who might be able to offer their spare room to us, but also young adults who might be able to donate clothing to our cause, and engage with us on our social media platforms.We will also aim to minimise the use of paper in our work, using electronic sign ups and QR codes where possible. Where paper is needed, we try to use recycled paper.
Nottingham Women’s Centre:
This small local charity located just around the corner from the Green Festival’s location. We have been a central place for campaigning and activism in Nottingham for over 50 years and offer an informal space where all women can come together to discuss and organise on the issues most important to them – such as the climate change agenda. In recent times we have hosted climate change discussions with leading female figures in Nottinghamshire.Nottingham Women’s Library is located on the top floor of the building and offers a pool of resources from over the years too. We promote this tirelessly to ensure books are used, donated and re-used.We will bring a selection of the library’s stock to the festival so people can get a better idea of what the Library has to offer.Nottingham Women’s Centre and Nottingham Women’s Library and Archive will ensure that there is no single use plastic on our stall, and no generators will be used. We will not bring items that contain meat, dairy, honey, eggs, fish or animal bi-products to the Festival. We will take reasonable steps to ensure that our stall and its surrounding area is kept free from litter. We will limit the distribution of leaflets to only those who really need them, by encouraging anyone who wants information about our services to access this virtually via a QR code.
Veggies Catering Campaign
Veggies have supported the #GreenFestival since it was the Peace Festival in the 1980’sSince 1984 sustainability has been at the heart of what and why we do what we do. As Veggies foods are always vegan we are able to help customers move towards a diet with far impact on the planet.We have a minimal packaging policy, generally using no disposable plates, mugs or cutlery, and taking back for recycling all bought-in product packaging, including bottles, cans and tetrapaks. We no longer offer anything in single-use plastic or tetrapaks to our customers, having introduced organic cordials & free filtered water served in returnable, reusable beakers.We have mapped a directory of other caterers to do events outside of our reducing default radius of operation, concentrating our work on catering for campaign events and those at which we can promote the benefits of vegan diets for humans, other animals and the environment.For more see Veggies ethical green trading standards.
It’s Cruelty Free:
Not only are the Skin, Body & Hair Care products that we sell fully natural, Vegan and work on very sensitive skin, with many of our products being unscented. All products are made in the UK plus none of the ingredients will damage the environment either.All plastics used on our stall have to be fully recyclable – we will accept back any bottle and recycle it properly. Whilst a lot of our products are zero waste, all the packaging that we use to send out our products is fully recyclable or biodegradable.
As part of our policy we offset as much of our carbon as possible by having trees planted on our behalf by the electricity company we use, which also only provides 100% Green Energy to the National Grid. We also sponsored 3 Nut trees to the Vegan Nut farm that was set up a few years ago now on a Croft in Scotland.
As a company we also raise funds for some of the smaller sanctuaries around the UK with us able to raise around £300.00 for Pudz Animal Sanctuary last year. This year we are supporting the Well Small Cat Sanctuary.
This year we have joined in with Truthpastes Circular Initiative, where every 120ml bottle cleaned, with the label removed will earn you a discount of 50p off the cost of a new jar of Truthpaste. We then collect a box full and return them to the manufacturer to be re-used. in the hope that this will reduce the amount of new jars needed to be manufactured. See more …here…
As a business selling vegan products, run by vegans, Coco Cheesecakes are committed to promoting the fact that a plant-based food system is achievable, delicious, and most importantly, vital for the future of our planet.
“We always try to minimise waste and do not use single use plastic, instead opting for recyclable/compostable packaging. We are always happy to talk to our customers about the benefits of veganism and of our vegan journey.
Studies show that veganism is one of the biggest ways to cut your personal carbon emissions, and by following this lifestyle and promoting it with our products, we are minimising our environmental impact. We are mindful of our energy usage and aim to keep this as efficient as possible, using a supplier which provides renewable gas and electricity. The packaging we use is either recyclable or biodegradable, and we aim to avoid wastage by recycling or reusing where possible.
Nottingham CND:
Nottingham CND aim to engage people with the issue of military spending versus alternatives. With the Russian invasion of Ukraine more than a year ago the danger of nuclear missiles being used or damage to a nuclear reactor is higher than ever which poses an existential risk to the environment leaving a devastating legacy for centuries to come. We will highlight the existence of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons and encourage citizens to support it. We will also have a tombola to raise money for campaign funds. More at
Food for a Future:
We provide snappy vegan cookery demos in the lovely marquee up on the grassy slope.We are a volunteer vegan cookery demo group. We aim to share and encourage people to switch to a vegan lifestyle, as this is the most impactful action an individual can do to reduce their environmental impact – taking into account carbon emissions, land use, water and resources. It is also the most kind choice towards fellow animals on earth.We buy ingredients from ethical sources when possible and choose organic when possible.We give out food samples in compostable cups. We are careful to organise our waste so we compost and recycle what we can.
Nottingham Labour Group:
Nottingham Labour has been attending the green festival and the peace festival before since it started. We will have an information stall and make elected representatives available to hear suggestions from and answer questions of the public. We are known for building a radical reputation for environmental policies including in waste management, boosting greener public transport and applying levies to commuters rather than residents. Under our lead Nottingham City Council is heading to Carbon Neutrality in 2028.
Nottingham City WI:
A group of WI’s (City, Beeston, Clifton, Arnold, Sherwood) propose a clothes swap stall at the Nottingham Green Festival where members of the WI and the public can bring good quality, clean items of clothing, accessories and shoes to be swapped for something else on the stall. We are yet to confirm how this will work but probably by a token system. Any items donated but not swapped will be donated to ShareWear or another such charity. We will also be making and handing out Morsbags, free of charge or by cash donation.We will have information on the WI, our pocket park, etc and hope to attract some new members.By enabling the swapping or donation of clothes which are unloved or unused by their current owners, we hope to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and promote ‘slow fashion’. Morsbags is an international ‘sociable guerrilla bagging’ movement and all of our bags will be made by us from donated fabrics, thereby keeping the fabric from going to waste.Our Green Flag winning garden is a haven of green in the middle of the city and is home to many diverse species of plant, tree and animal including bats.Nationally and locally the WI is campaigning on the issues of micro plastics, climate change, falling bee populations, etc.
Help for Hedgepigs:
Hedgehogs are important for conserving biodiversity. They provide food for other animals, but above all they are important seed dispersers. As hibernating mammals, the uncertainty caused by warmer, wetter winters, predicted under existing climate models for the UK, may have detrimental impacts on hedgehogs, increasing the importance of helping all that we can.
Help for Hedgepigs sell hedgehog and wildlife themed items to rise funds for hedgehog rescue. Many items are hand made, by local crafters. 100% of proceeds from sales goes to the rescue, to rehabilitate hedgehogs, and also to help fund conservation projects. There are also a wide range of leaflets about how people can help hedgehogs in their area, how to garden in a wildlife friendly way, and how to get in touch with us if they would like to have wildlife ‘hedgehog’ holes put in their boundary fences.
Carbon Neutral Nottingham:
Nottingham City Council has responded to the climate and environmental crisis by setting an ambition to become the first carbon neutral city in the UK by 2028. At the heart of this shared vision is an approach that not only positively addresses wider environmental challenges, but improves quality of life and builds a new form of clean growth for our economy.The science is clear; we need to act urgently to reduce our carbon emissions to limit global temperature rise to below 1.5oC, and so prevent devastating impacts around the world and closer to home. Climate Change is a long-lasting and universal problem that will affect everyone.Carbon Neutral Nottingham 2028 is the strategy for tackling climate change in Nottingham City and the stall will be used to communicate information about what CN28 is and how local people can get involved. There will be accessible activities to help visitors of all ages and backgrounds to better understand their carbon footprints, and advice on how this can be reduced through simple every day actions and how this links to CN28. We would also be showcasing the findings from the recent ‘Hello Nottingham’ public engagement project, where through digital conversations, people of Nottingham have been sharing their personal reflections on climate change, their personal actions, hopes and concerns. This will be interpreted to a creative and inspiring piece by a local artist. Because of this, would it be possible to have the stall in a fairly flat location, as we are yet unsure what this piece will be!We are continuing our work to create a prosperous, fair and resilient city for this and future generations.Find out more at
Stewarts Coffees – Blend:
Stewarts of Trent Bridge have a comprehensive Environmental Policy posted at is committed to reducing its environmental impact whilst trading, and to continually review its current position in order to grow sustainably and improve its environmental performance.
The following examples highlight areas of focus regarding environmental impact.
- Paper and Packaging , e.g. Regular assessment of the packaging market to ensure the best available option is being utilized e.g., recyclable or biodegradable packaging where possible, especially where reducing is not an option.
- Energy and Water Use . e.g. Providing company uniform made using organic cotton, reducing water consumption in production.
- Transportation , e.g. Choosing to work with like-minded delivery services where possible, e.g., WeGo Couriers.
- Direct Emissions . e.g. An exhaust filter called VortX, which was fitted to the coffee roaster in Jan 2021. It uses ionised water to filter the exhaust gases and reduces CO2 and other harmful particles by 60%.
- Culture . e.g. We support more environmentally conscious diets by offering various Vegetarian and Vegan options on our menus.
XR Nottingham:
Extinction Rebellion Nottingham believe that it is clear that the destruction of our home planet is continuing, not because of a lack of information, but due to the efforts of those who benefit most from the status quo blocking urgent and effective action. Given the monumental injustice of having our futures stolen from us by ecocidal organisations, which our governments remain complicit in, it is up to ordinary people to ‘Unite to Survive’. Extinction Rebellion is working to bring together people and organisation who will not stand by. We will educate and train ourselves in a range of peaceful methods which history has shown can create the urgent and rapid changes required.
At the Green Festival they will provide information and training about how to take effective action to pressure governments to act with urgency on the climate and ecological emergency, bringing the voices of ordinary people into decision making.
Iona School:
The Iona School is a charity which provides an independent primary school for children aged 3 to 11 years, offering Steiner Waldorf education. Located in Nottingham’s Inner city area of Bakersfield. Its vision is to support children to have emotional stability, intellectual flexibility, sound judgement, inner freedom and social awareness to ensure they have healthy, positive and fulfilling lives. We aim to stimulate and develop the faculties and skills which will enable our pupils to learn: for life, from life and throughout life.
The Iona school fosters a feeling of responsibility and care for the environment. The ethos of the school and the whole approach instills the children with a moral responsibility towards the planet and each other.The school has a large area of land on site where the children spend time each day attuning to the natural rhythms of nature. There are allotments where the children learn how to grow and care for vegetables and fruit. The school supports the children to cultivate an enthusiastic care and respect for all living things.
Nottingham Energy Partnership
Nottingham Energy Partnership (NEP) is a climate change charity which aims to deliver grant funded services (i.e. renewable energy and boiler replacements) and home improvements (i.e. home insulation) to energy inefficient homes. These installs reduce carbon emissions, save money and increase a household’s disposable income.Every aspect of what we do helps to cut carbon emissions, we improve the thermal efficiency of domestic properties and upgrade their heating systems to lower the rate of carbon emissions emitted from private households within Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
Surge Sanctuary
48% of land in the UK is used for animal agriculture. A shift from animal-based to plant-based food systems will reduce food related greenhouse gas emissions by 70% and land used for food production by 76% (Harwatt and Hayek 2019). Our stall will be highlighting the environmental and ethical issues with animal agriculture, providing support and advice on how to transition to a plant-based diet and detailing the importance of this transition in respect to our individual efforts to combat climate change. Visitors of all ages can learn about our residents and their rescue stories from farms around the UK. We feel that making personal connections with our residents through seeing pictures of them and hearing about their stories will encourage people to think about how changes to their diet can have a positive impact on the animals, the environment and the future of our planet.
Nottingham Hackspace is proud to actively encourage and support recycling, re-use of materials & parts, and the repair of non-working items. All of these extend the useful life of items and prevent, or delay their entry into landfill. This is done by means of:
• Sharing of equipment and tools
• Donations of unwanted materials and equipment
• Education (formal sessions) and training (by experienced volunteers who give their time to pass on skills and knowledge)
• Making HS a pleasant space for members to interact, learn and co-operate.
Examples are the electronics area, bike repair zone, textiles, woodworking and metalworking areas and general workbenches.
There is also a thriving online community in which members ask for advice, help, or make suggestions.We will be educating people on how to reuse, repair and recycle their possessions with example projects from our workshop, and make their own items by hand from sustainable sources using DIY. Making sure items do not hit the land fill is one of the most important direct role people can have on their environmental usage!As a business Nottingham Hackspace is a non-for-profit member-led entirely volunteer run organisation, with no paid staff, which generally tries to take donations for reuse and recycle as much as possible waste DIY projects can generate. We also actively promote bikes as sustainable transport with suitable bike parking and repair space.
Health from the Pleiades
Joining the Green Festival for the first time Health from the Pleiades was launched last year, selling liquid vitamin and herbal supplement oral drops..
Chai says “All of my drops are vegan and cruelty free. Organic, and the bottles are recyclable. I’m a big lover of green fest. I come every year and this year I’m moving to the arboretum so won’t even need to use my car to get there!”
T4 Sustainability Ltd
We believe the best way to bring about positive environmental change is:
– to encourage people to think about issues in a quantitative way
– to set practical examples in our daily lives
– to support projects of all sizes in our community
We recognise the need to rapidly work towards a low carbon economy and believe that this must be driven by example as well as legislation.
We spread information about sustainability issues and good practice at no cost, but charge a fair rate for time-consuming activities.
We work closely with our clients to fully understand and meet their requirements when undertaking projects.
We re-use as much material and equipment as possible and recycle our waste. We use ethical and sustainable products when possible (such as alternative fuels, green electricity, recycled paper, ethical banking, local products etc). Software produced (and used) is open source where possible.
Refugee Forum, Nottm & Notts
– will ensure there will be no single-use plastic on its stall
– will ask all its stall volunteers to travel to the Arboretum by public transport, cycle or walk if they can
– will ask all its stall volunteers to abide by the organisers Vegan only request regarding what they bring onto the site
– will aim to reduce litter in the first place, barring that, ensure any litter it produces will be re-cycled in the appropriate containers on-site.
New Lucas Plan /Just Space
“We will relay to visitors their learning from this activity – particularly the ‘We Make Tomorrow’ Conference held on May 20 in Manchester where we led a workshop event on Bottom Up Local Economic Planning.
We have tried to integrate climate justice into the core of our economic planning.We plan to run workshops at the stall on what we mean by local economic planning and will be able to report back on what we have learned from our work in the last year. Lots of challenges!Our target audience is everyone, all ages, different levels of activity and differing political persuasions – although we will not entertain those who express overt racist, sexist or xenophobic views. Thankfully this group do not tend to come to the Green Festival!We have called the Nottingham project ‘Reclaim Our Futures’. See and
Animal Rising
“We will be talking about nonviolent direct action and encouraging people to come along to a talk and training session so they can get involved. We will be clarifying the link between animal agriculture and the climate and ecological emergencies.
– What activities or learning will be offered?We will be able to educate people on the harms of animal agriculture, animal ‘sports’ and animal testing. We will likely be offering interactive activities alongside this in terms of badge making or block printing.– Who is the target audience, e.g. ages?We generally target all adults, particularly those that identify as animal lovers. Due to legal complications we generally avoid aiming to get minors involved and instead encourage them to join groups specifically designed for children.”
Create P Dorey
Nottingham Stand Up to Racism / Care for Calais
- Our joint event in Nottingham on Saturday 16th September bringing together local anti-racist organisations, trade unions and other supporting organisations to oppose racism; support asylum seekers and refugees and to counter the far right. It will also include a cultural element running through the event.
- We will have materials promoting the Rock Against Racism gig on Saturday 14th and Sunday 15 October – at the Rough Trade venue in Nottingham.
- We will also be publicising an on-going request: Have you got an old moblie phone you can donate to an asylum seeker? -Sudanese refugees are now arriving in Nottingham desperate to contact family members still in Sudan but without phone access. If you can help please email
- We will be promoting the Stand Up to Racism International Conference which will be held in London on Saturday 21st October. Details to be confirmed.
Framework: Nature in Mind
Dosa Love
Sustainability Statement
At Dosa Love we constantly work to improve our sustainability.
Thinking about the environment has been something I have done since I was a kid, in the early 90’s I encouraged my family to recycle before it was even a thing.
Running Dosa Love since 2018 is my way of taking control of my work and home life so that I can lessen my impact on the environment daily.
When I started my first food business in 2012 I used Vegware packaging, and became involved in grass-roots food organisations and events. Learning along the way about reducing my carbon footprint, organic food, and the impact of food production on the environment.
Here are some of the things we do in Dosa Love
- Offer all our food in biodegradable/eco packaging
- Offer plant-based food options
- Use mainly fresh and natural ingredients, cooking from scratch, and limiting Ultra-processed foods
- Talking to customers about our food, and how it’s made.
- Trade at events with a similar ethos to our own
- Limit car travel by operating on a small scale, combining journeys and trading within an hour of home.
- Limiting our printed materials and not using promotional tat
- Getting creative with stall signs, repurposing old boards, making decorations from recycled fabrics and packaging
- Supply left over food to organisations that can pass it on, whenever practicable
- Use careful rotation systems and spreadsheets to ensure that we use food within it’s BBE
- We freeze, ferment and pickle foods to limit food waste
- We work on a small scale with a small gazebo, keeping the weight and size down so that we don’t need to use a large van for our regular work. Helping to limit emissions
- support other small and local businesses
Khatti Meethi
Hi I’m Aisha from Khatti Meethi. As a small business I’m always looking at ways to minimise waste, reduce my carbon footprint, and at the same time support other like mind businesses by buying local, growing my own herbs and veg where possible, using biodegradable products and recycling to reduce waste encouraging others to do so too. Serving vegan food to promote a healthy lifestyle as well as promoting a sustainable future for all through education on Indian food and origins.
No Balony
Dash Vegan
…Pending… In the meantime see
Green and Cosy Homes
Dodo’s Deli
Dodo’s Deli are attending the Green Festival for the first time in 2023. They tell us:
“We are a small independent Vegan Deli based in Nottingham, committed to providing delicious and sustainable plant-based food to our customers. We have a passion for creating and supplying innovative and flavourful sandwiches, snacks and drinks, with planet friendly ingredients. We believe that eating plant-based food should never mean sacrificing taste or satisfaction.”
Furoshiki is a traditional Japanese wrapping. They are an easy, eco-conscious and stylish gift wrapping alternative to paper and sticky tape. It is reusable and a sustainable way to gifting. Aside from furoshiki being a beautiful zero-waste alternative to wrapping paper, they could also last you a lifetime. A single furoshiki can be used in countless ways (holidays, birthdays, baby showers, and beyond!), making it endlessly sustainable and ideal for anyone looking to cut down on holiday waste. Furoshiki are long-lasting, which is better for the environment. They are reusable and grow softer as they are gently hand-washed and wrapped with again and again.
Originally Nicci
Originally Nicci was originally set up to recycle, repurpose and reinvent items of jewellery from my past. I now create unique, handmade gifts from recycled fabrics and other materials. Along with jewellery, gift cards and more, you will find an ever growing range of original and exclusive items you won’t find anywhere but at Originally Nicci. See more at
Little Bean Homemade
Spritely Sustainable CIC
AWL Alliance Workers Liberty
Brinsley Animal Rescue
All the fundraising that we do on stalls goes towards looking after our animals, be that rescue farm animals, pets or wildlife. We look after all of these animals in the best environmentally friendly way we can and have our own environmental policy:
Nottingham Growing Network
Pedals: Nottingham Cycle Campaign
Da Boujee Boutique
Ethical Business Practices: We conduct our business with the highest standards of ethics and integrity. We prioritise honesty, transparency, and fairness in all our dealings, including relationships with customers, suppliers, and employees.
Fair Labour Practices: We are committed to providing a safe and respectful working environment for our employees and ensuring fair labour practices throughout our supply chain. We oppose all forms of forced labour, child labour, and discrimination. We promote fair wages, reasonable working hours, and compliance with local labour laws.
Environmental Sustainability: We recognize our responsibility to protect and preserve the environment. We strive to minimize our ecological footprint by adopting sustainable practices, reducing waste, conserving resources, and promoting eco-friendly alternatives. We encourage our customers to make conscious choices by offering sustainable and ethically sourced products.
Social Responsibility: We actively engage in initiatives that contribute to the well-being and development of our local community. We support local charities, organizations, and initiatives focused on education, health, and social equality. We encourage our employees to participate in volunteering activities and make a positive difference in their communities.
Diversity and Inclusion: We embrace diversity and strive to create an inclusive workplace where individuals from all backgrounds feel valued and respected. We are committed to promoting diversity in our workforce and ensuring equal opportunities for everyone, irrespective of race, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation, or disability.
Customer Satisfaction: We value our customers and are dedicated to providing them with exceptional products and services. We prioritize customer satisfaction by delivering high-quality products, maintaining open communication channels, and promptly addressing any concerns or feedback.
Supply Chain Responsibility: We expect our suppliers and partners to adhere to the same principles and values outlined in this policy. We work collaboratively to ensure transparency and responsible practices throughout our supply chain, promoting fair trade, ethical sourcing, and responsible manufacturing.
Continuous Improvement: We are committed to ongoing learning and improvement. We regularly review and assess our practices to identify areas for enhancement in terms of sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical conduct. We actively seek feedback from stakeholders and take steps to address any issues or areas of concern.
Street Support Nottingham and Nottingham Street Aid
We are pleased to invite Street Support Nottingham and Nottingham Street Aid to the Green Festival.
Although we are primarily concerned with helping to end homelessness in Nottingham, a substantial part of this problem is driven by asylum seekers escaping countries that are becoming highly unstable in part due to climate change. We will therefore discuss this with the public as well as selling second hand clothes to emphasise reuse and repurposing of clothing. We also hope to have large colouring sheets to engage children, so that we can work with people of all ages, and give parents time to talk.
Street Support Nottingham is a website that promotes the voluntary sector helping homeless people in Nottingham. It provides information on the services they provide and opportunities for the public to help by volunteering, donating goods or supporting individual charities financially.
Nottingham Street Aid was set up in February this year to provide the public with a clear and convenient way to donate to a central fund (held by Notts Community Foundation) to help charities help people who are homeless in the city.
As well as publicity and fund raising for the Nottingham Street Aid homelessness fund, there hopes to be second hand clothes sold on behalf of The Friary and Emmanuel House.
Marches Energy Action
Domestic energy consumption is responsible for around 18% of the UKs carbon emissions. MEA work to address energy efficiency in homes though advice and practical help to householders, enabling them to stay warm and healthy at home. We work with councils and partners to facilitate insulation and renewables uptake, and advocate for a just transition to a low-carbon energy system.We provide impartial information advice and guidance across the Midlands to enable householders to take steps toward more sustainable heating, and to prevent cold-related illness.